Monday, March 14, 2011

Team Plasma!!!

As I was searching for Purrloin, I was met by Dr. Fenel who is apparently a "Dream Expert" (which sounds more to me like being an expert at making up doctorates).  She sent me on an errand to collect this "dream gas" that a certain pokemon emits...sounds gross.

I kindly told her that she was not the boss of me and went on my way. After traveling about 30 steps and realizing I couldn't continue, I decided to listen to her "just this once".

Here I encountered Team Plasma trying to make the pokemon in question, Munna...erhm...pass some gas. Then, to my surprise they challenged me to a battle. Needless to say I was confused that a group that is against pokemon servitude would carry pokemon, but they went on to explain that "its different for [them] because [they're] using pokemon to free pokemon!" After I decided to just go with it, I beat them down and took the dream gas for myself, making sure to catch the psychic type Munna in the process and naming it "Pinky".

I had tried earlier to go to Route 3 but was stopped by an old man who said I needed a gym badge. I tried again after defeating Cress and he said I first needed to complete an errand for Dr. Fenel in town. Still a third time he said that she still wanted to see me, so imagine my surprise when the man let me through this fourth time without making up some excuse like I hadn't collected the Mystical McGoven necessary to proceed or that I needed 100 Donkleberries to feed the dragons ahead.

However, as I took my first step into the grass, I finally was able to find and catch a Purrloin, whom I named "Zoey" because I always wanted a cat named Zoey..

Current Team:

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