The next day (there are a lot of flash forwards in this game), I made my way through Route 1 to get to the "Feast of Our Lord and Savior: The Electric Space Warrior Kamen Rider" (I'm not sure how long this lame meme is going to last). Along the way, I picked up the aforementioned Yungoos and Pichu. I named Yungoos "Chompy" because of those adorable teeth and I named Pichu "Rai Rai" because FUCKING DUH, Raichu! I also managed to bag my other favorite pokemon Caterpie (well, it will get there anyways...) and my other other new favorite pokemon Pikipek. I also caught Ledyba, but I'm not feeling that, sorrynotsorry.
At the festival, we decided to skip directly to the Liturgy of the Pokemon Battle and I fought my friendly rival Haku again. I had fought him after I got Popplio. I had defeated his Litten handily back then and I defeated his Pichu and Litten just as easily this time.
I was told that I should totally take on the Island Challenge. Not like I have a choice or anything. That's not why I bought the game or anything. There are four islands and apparently 4 challenges to take on. This honestly reminds me of the Orange Islands league from the Pokemon anime (season 2 in case you were wondering) and it's juuust fresh enough to bring me in.
I'm curious about what this actually means...
Current Squad:

Yungoos/Chompy/lvl 5
Pikipik/Pip Pip/lvl 6
Pichu/Rai Rai/lvl 6
Caterpie/Felix/lvl 5
Ledyba/Buckles/lvl 4
Pokedex: 6 caught
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