The thing about X and Y that I liked the most was the abundance of different and interesting pokemon that were immediately available. Whereas Black and White versions and Diamond and Pearl versions withheld these powerful, more interesting pokemon till late in the game (axew, gible, spiritomb, riolu, larvesta, deino, mienfoo, etc. etc.), X and Y kept a steady stream of new, great pokemon. There was never a moment where I didn't want to shuffle around my team. This same thing is happening now.
Since last time I posted, I have caught Makuhita, Drowzee, Smeargle, Gastly, and Misdreavus. I almost caught an Abra, but it ran away.
I'm going to have to do some serious soul-searching to figure out what to do about my team...
After I beat Teacher Emily, Captain Ilima showed up and introduced him or herself to me. I'm not exactly sure of this person's gender currently, so I think "him or her" will have to suffice for now.
Captain Ilima said I should train a little more before I take on the Island challenge. This "captain" is apparently the first major leader in this game, and therefore my mortal enemy for the next eight hours of playtime.
Litten-Meistre and the Office Supplies Bandit escorted me to the next town over, Hau'oli City. Hau'oli is apparently the largest city in Alola and the main reason why it has taken me so long to finally post something again. It's no "Lumiose City", but it's no slouch either. I spent much of the past two days exploring and buying new outfits for my character.

Ultimately, Pako-Pako came through with the big victory. I'm trying not to rely too much on the adorable little pup, but that's where I am right now anyways.
I went back after the battle and managed to snag an Abra.
Current Squad:

Yungoos/Chompy/lvl 11
Pikipek/Pip Pip/lvl 11
Pichu/Rai Rai/lvl 11
Slowpoke/Pokey/lvl 11
Rattata/Snackers/lvl 11
On Rotation:
Grimer/Sludj/lvl 11
Misdreavus/Missy/lvl 11
Pokedex: 23 caught
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