I met the Mega-Evolution Guru (who told me to call him Steve) and he was able to answer all of my questions about Mega-Evolution and then I thanked him and went home, having beaten the whole game..
That is what I would say if any of this actually happened.
But no, the Mega-Evolution Guru had about as much to say about Mega Evolution as the Black Belt with the Pokeflute, the Prince of Versailles, the Lost Paleontologist, and the Professor Sycamore: that is, to say, fuck all. I am personally of the opinion that if you are formally known as the guru of anything, you should be an expert in that field--or at least be able to convince a little kid that you know what you're talking about.
Steve the Mega-Evolution Guru told me that neither he nor anyone else in the world has any knowledge at all about Mega Evolution, but that it involves items and a certain ring that he only had one copy of.
Then, when the gang of Pokemon thieves showed-up, he had me battle Serena (who I assume to be my rival considering she carries Chespin) for the Magic Mega-Evolution Ring.
Apparently, and this I know for a fact was different in the last generation of games, grass types cannot be Leech Seeded, nor Poisoned with Poisonpowder, so in between flinching from Quilladin's repeated Bite and Needle-Arm attacks (eight consecutive turns, are you kidding me?!?), I was allowed to continuously "fail" with Ivysaur. Since I had Flareon and Aerodactyl in the box at the time, the battle came down to Scrappy vs. Quilladin, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally broke Quilladin's killstreak.
After being rewarded with what is apparently one of the only Magic Rings in the game, I was told to challenge Korrina, the Mega-Evolution Guru's granddaughter, for a gym badge. Funny, cause I already beat her...I guess that battle wasn't a formal challenge though...
Current Squad:
On Rotation: Pikachu, Hippopotas, Kirlia
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