And that apparently, this man is known as the "Mega-Evolution Guru".
Wait a second, there's a Mega-Evolution guru? I thought the errand I was sent on in the first place was to ask around for information about what mega-evolution was? And there just happens to be some guy who is a mega-evolution guru? Then what the hell have I been screwing around doing for the past four towns asking every po-dunk scientist I came across for information?
I feel as if every problem in the pokemon world could be solved with one or two internet searches...because even the pokedex information could probably be filled-in by reading Red's facebook notes at this point.
After waking up from my my rage-blackout I made my way towards the Reflecting Cave, the next mini-dungeon along my way to see the Mega-Evolution-blah-blah-blah. Along the way, I caught Nidorino, Female Nidoran, Stunky, Dedenne (a new, Fairy-typed Pikachu-of-the-moment), and Throh, whom I must congratulate for looking like ass EVEN IN 3-D!
One cool thing about the reflection cave is that since some of the walls are mirrored, you can see things along cave walls that would normally be hidden--leading to a few interesting perspective puzzles--and also that trainers who are admiring themselves in the mirror will still battle you if you walk by. They will see your reflection as you walk behind them.
After several "Teleports" (thanks, Kirlia) back to the pokemon center and a bag full of potions and pokeballs, I made it out (in large part due to "Hotfoot" the Flareon and "Froakles" the Frogadier) with Mr. Mime, Chingling, Ferroseed, Roggenrola, Wobbuffet, Sableye, Solosis, and a new Rock/Fairy type called Carbink.
It is actually impossible to get lost in Shalour City, especially since every single person in the town has something to say about Mega-Evolution and how the Tower of Mastery is where it is studied ("and did we mention it is just North of here...").
I entered the tower...and was greeted by a HUGE statue of Lucario. Did I come in through the wrong door?
Current Squad:
On Rotation: Kirlia, Flabebe, Pikachu
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