Time to earn a gym badge!
The Shalour City Gym was a Fighting Gym inside a skate park, and while a fighting gym may have been a huge problem in my Pokemon White playthrough with my massive weakness to Fighting types in my team, I came into this gym with a certain amount of swagger and confidence.
Gymkiller Squad #3: The Punch-Takers
Scraggy - Intimidate coverage to soften the blow of her physical pokemon
Floette - Fairy type resistance against Fighting attacks.
Kirlia - Confusion plus a double resistance to fighting moves.
Flareon - Fire Fang's possibility of Burn is too tempting not to bring in.
Ivysaur - Poison Typing resists fighting attacks, Leech Seed + Sleep Powder are my friend.
Aerodactyl - For cleanup/suicide revenge-killing.
I made note of all of the level 28+ pokemon running around in the gym and I realized just how under-leveled my squad was--which I guess is the tradeoff for being able to rotate more than six members in and out of the team.
After I beat all four trainers in the gym, Gymleader Korrina jumped down from the ceiling to challenge me in the center of the room, announcing her appearence as if she were the special guest star on some weird pokemon sitcom.
Normally I wouldn't make note of this, but Korrina is just so...weird. I have no clue what her personality is--I'm not sure if they're going for "over-the-top" or "thinks she is a movie star" or "flashbacks of her service in the Great War"--but she just comes across as kind of bonkers. And that helmet is definitely not helping her out.
I was sure my strategy of cycling Scraggy in-and-out of battle to continuously intimidate opponents (lowering their attack after each switch-in) while tanking hits with my fighting-resistant pokemon was a winning one. She led with Mienfoo and after lowering her attack with my Scraggy, I switched to Pixie to take hits and use Fairy attacks to whittle it down. This is the point where I was introduced to the attack "Power-Up Punch", which raised Mienfoo's attack with each hit. DAMN, time to change strategies.
I barely took out Mienfoo with Floette and Korrina next sent out a high-level Machoke to clean-up Floette and Scraggy. Scraggy was able to lower the Machoke's attack enough to survive exactly one hit before being taken out by another "Power-Up Punch", and Kirlia was able to cripple the Machoke before falling to yet another Punch. This, of course, prompted Korrina to use a Hyper potion. DOUBLE DAMN.
At this point, I was staring at a Machoke with a +5 boosted Attacking stat (which is the same as if his attacks were at 3.5x strength) with only Flareon, Ivysaur, and Aerodactyl. After Flareon was unable to burn the Machoke with Fire Fang, and Korrina used yet another Hyper Potion, I realized it was Aerodactyl or bust.
At the end of the match, she gave me her badge and tried to make what I think was a joke about how she has to re-evaluate her life after her loss to me. I'm not sure if this is a just poor attempt at humor or Nintendo/Gamefreak taking irony to the highest possible level--with their eye-rolling eyes coming right out of their heads due to self-aware camp.
She told me to battle her again at the Tower of Mastery. Since I have already kicked her ass on two separate occasions, I am kind of getting sick of this charade.
Current Squad:
On Rotation: Pikachu/Hippopotas/Kirlia
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