On my way back through Ambrette Town I resurrected my two fossil pokemon from the Sail Fossil and the Old Amber to get
Amaura and
Aerodactyl. Normally I would take the adorable Amaura over Aerodactyl because I am a five-year-old girl at heart, but I always wanted a team with an Aerodactyl since Red version, plus I wanted a flier. So I tearfully (or not so tearfully) condemned Amaura (along with Doduo) to join the legions of pokemon in my PC, never to see the light of day again.

Route 8 to Cyllage City was a cliff-side beach, and the only pokemon I were able to find were from fishing (
Luvdisc, damn) and from using Rock Smash (
Dwebble, also damn). I finally got Ralts to evolve into
Kirlia, and, not to be outdone, Flabebe evolved into
Floette. This is fortunate because they were both really starting to fall behind in terms of reliability, but tough on me because I was THIS CLOSE to cutting my team down by one.

After screwing around with the Item-Finder looking for buried treasure (of which, I was surprised, I found TONS) in the sand, I finally found the city--a city built into the side of the cliff overlooking the shallow seas (and I apologize for that
absolute monster of a sentence). I have to applaud the geography of this game--as Nintendo is DEFINITELY taking advantage of the 3DS' unique ability to put images discernibly into either the foreground or the background of the screen.
But enough of that nerd talk, let's fight some pokemon.
Exploring ahead I caught a
Golett and of course I caught an
Eevee, forcing me to make
yet another ridiculously hard team decision. It's a good thing you gain exp by catching pokemon in this game cause I don't think I've defeated a wild pokemon since Viridian--erhm--Santalune Forest.
In the end, I chose
Flareon and promised myself that this would be the last pokemon I would put into my squad without taking someone else out first.

The advantage to having nine pokemon on rotation in my squad (ten if you count my HM slave/pickup whore: Zigzagoon) is that as soon as I found out that Cyllage sported a Rock-Type Gym, I immediately deposited Hippopotas, Pikachu, and Flareon in preparation for the upcoming match. Pikachu is historically bad against Rock types (technically Ground types, but I'm not taking any chances), Flareon is outright weak against rock attacks, and Hippopotas' ability to generate Sandstorms strengthens all Rock pokemon on the field (ouch).
And with my team of Rock-destroyers handy, I set off to challenge the Gymleader Grant, the Rock Jock.
Rock-Destroyer Squad:
On Rotation: Flareon, Pikachu, Hippopotas
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