Having Completed my Fire Trial and taking the Firium-Z as my prize, I was free to move north to greener pastures.
I took that Firium-Z and made my way south to catch a Happiny.

I found Mareanie in the Melemele Sea. I suppose "found" would be slightly false of me to say: perhaps "tracked" would be more correct. Truthfully, I knew it was there because my pokedex had guided me to that spot. Indeed, it had even indicated that I would need to fish for it.
I hooked a Corsola. While I was trying to capture it, it called allies. One of these allies turned out to be the Sea Star pokemon "Mareanie"
Turns out, Mareanie was a pretty horrible ally because the very next turn, the pokemon turned on its partner; it used "Bite" on Corsola.

This starfish, like all starfish, has an water circulatory system. This means that the water it lives in helps with circulation--and also that much of its body's structure is seawater. If it is ever taken out of its habitat onto dry land, it would deflate. Even its sharp spines, so stiff that they could make short work of exposed flesh, lose their stiffness when not immersed.

She has an ability called "Merciless". This ability causes all of her moves to cause critical hits on opponents that are already poisoned. Coupled with her attack "toxic spikes", she is going to be a fun and brutal pokemon to use.
I arrived at the "Lush Jungle". Who thinks this is going to prove to be a grass trial?
Current Squad:

Crabrawler/Ppunches/lvl 21
Salandit/Sassy Sally/lvl 21
Oricorio/Ori-Chan/lvl 22
Steenee/Bouncee/lvl 21
Sylveon/Sly/lvl 20
Grimer/Sludj/lvl 20
Misdreavus/Missy/lvl 19
Trumbeak/Pip Pip/lvl 21
Mareanie/Meanie/lvl 17
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