After completing the Grand trial, Kahuna Hala stamped my trainer passport as certification and handed me Fightinium-Z as a prize. He also said that I would be allowed to ride around his Tauros. He gave me a Ride-Pager so that I could summon Tauros out of the ether when I so please.

when I get the chance someday. As I recall, that Smeargle was a pain in the ass, so this might end up being farther in the future than he would prefer.
The Office Supply Bandit Lillie mentioned stalking me a little longer until she can deliver her annoying plot-device pokemon “Nebby” home to its family. I’m so happy that this partnership of absolute one-sidedness can continue to be crucial to the development of the story. What new trials will I have to overcome next? Will Nebby get caught in a tree?
I was told to go to the marina in Hau’oli City when I was ready to take the fairy to the next island and my next adventure.
I’m not quite ready.
As it were, this game lacks HM moves. I know, right? How am I going to teach Pako Pako Surf? That’s my standard starter master-level move! I always teach my starter Surf!! The alternative to HM moves is this Pokemon Ride system. Tauros apparently has the ability to smash rocks whilst you ride it.
This means it’s time to explore Melemele a bit more.
I had battled trainers with the pokemon before, so I knew where they were. It was time for me to seek out a few remaining pokemon for my pokedex. Bonsly was on Route 1 in an area separated by rocks. I had spoken to a few different trainers who had each talked-up Ten Carat Hill as being a great place to catch really rare and powerful pokemon. I saddled-up my trusty Tauros steed and made my way through the cave. I found the adorable rock-typed Rockruff, the dizzy Spinda, the creepy Sableye, and Carbink and Roggenrola. I'm less excited about catching those later two.
Current Squad:
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