I am a huge fan of all of these random side quests in this game. One minute I could be working on gaining my island certification and the next, I'm helping a kid gain the acceptance of his father by defeating his grimer...or in this case, by finding eight red panda teddy bears.
The route up the mountain was reminiscent of the Hakone area that I had v
isited in Japan this summer. A winding bus route up a tall, tall mountain that leads to a cable car that brings you over a volcano. From the very top of the summit, my friends and I (I'm talking about real life right now, by the way, not the pokemon game) were able to see Fuji-sama in the distance. In this game, Professor Kukui meets you at the top of the mountain, Hokulani, and remarks that it is the sec
ond tallest in Alola--but points to Lanakila summit in the distance...
"Right there! On the peak of Lanakila! That's where I'll establish our Pokemon League!"

I am getting really excited about this game.
I am also getting ahead of myself.
Along the route to the bus station, I was assailed by ninja Fearows that would attack from the trees. It's always Fearow, isn't it? The bully of the pokemon world.
Speaking of bullies, Team Skull was waiting for me at the end of the route. Well, more correctly, I stumbled across them molesting the bus sign. Their rationale was...something...they
said that they wanted to remove the bus sign so that the driver would "get to chill out".
And then they said it was time to get back to the mansion.
Yeh wut?!?
Current Squad:

Crabrawler/Ppunches/lvl 25
Salandit/Sassy Sally/lvl 27
Oricorio/Ori-chan/lvl 25
Steenee/Bouncee/lvl 26
Sylveon/Star Fighter/lvl 26
On Rotation:
Mareanie/Meanie/lvl 25
Grimer/Sludj/lvl 26
Trumbeak/Pip Pip/lvl 27
Misdreavus/Missy/lvl 25
Pokedex: 125 caught
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