I went back to town

Remembering the last time this game hinted that I go do something else before a big gym battle, I decided to take his advice and combed the swamp for new pokemon.
Now, there are three fighting pokemon that I found in the area: Timburr, Sawk, and Throh (clockwise at left)...Which one of these would you honestly allow onto your squad? Throh and Sawk are the same pokemon and Timburr is just absolutely repulsive...are those veins? What is this game rated?
Honestly though, I'm surprised that Lenora didn't say something like, "Oh you didn't catch a fighting pokemon like we asked you to? Then I guess that means you'll be fighting my sister, Steelio the Steel Pokemon trainer instead as punishment, HAW-HEE-HAW-HEE-HAW!"
As it were, Herdier is the evolution of Lilipup, so I guess my Growlithe hypothesis was completely wrong...also this is the second gym out of two so far with a form of Lilipup...sensing a trend...
Before I could even save my game after the battle, team plasma attacked that very Museum and stole a Dragon skull. No clue why having that particular skull will free pokemon from their trainers but surely that will be explained in excruciating detail after I whip their bums.
Cheren and Bianca then showed up AGAIN because they realized I was just starting to have fun and in the ensuing battle, Tepig evolved into Pignite.
Current Squad:

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