Afterward there was this scene with her dad coming to take her home and her crying and stuff and something about how being different is a good thing but honestly at this point the situation is this: she took me to play dress up and I really just want her gone. I was definitely rooting

In my exploration of Nimbasa City, I stumbled upon "N" who decided that he was into little boys and invited me onto the Ferris Wheel with him to "look for [Team Plasma] there"...yeah, sounds like a trap to me too.
But I have no control over my character at this point--most likely because he, like myself, is paralyzed with fear--so I follow him on, where he reveals that he is the king of Team Plasma and that he is going to beat the Pokemon Champion and that the only way for me to defeat him is to collect all the gym badges and beat him at the Pokemon League...because apparently all those other times I whupped his sorry ass (including mere moments before!) didn't count. Also, does this seem contrived or what?

Current Squad:

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