Bede was there with a huge elephant pokemon that he identified as belonging to Chairman Rose. He mentions that he is still collecting more and more wishing stars and that he is there to stop me from getting any for myself.
I led with Arbuk to test him out. His position in my team is only semi-permanent and he DOES know a dark move, so I decided that a neutral matchup like Duosion would be an excellent way to test its staying power. Arbuk was able to take it out easily.
Bede's next pokemon was Hattrem, which must be the evolution of Hattnea. It was a lot bulkier, faster, and stronger than I had expected and was able to take out much of my team before Trash put a stop to it all at once. I am still surprised at how reliable she is. I used to love Linoone back in the gen 3 days and the cool new design is just choice.
From there, Sizzle was able to bug bite the remaining pokemon to death. Neither Ponyta nor Gothorita could stop him. Sizzle is remarkably bulky, albeit a bit slow. I have Flame Wheel as his main fire move right now, but if he could get Flame charge then that would be ideal.

Bede seemed pretty incredulous...and also pretty upset...I wonder if he will be showing up again somewhere as a villian.
All of the sudden, the wall collapsed, revealing an inner cave with two wolf statues in it.
Cue “Roundabout”...
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