And then I was sent back to the pokemon center because my team was so underleveled.
And then I was sent back again
And again...
And a fourth time.
Yikes, when did this happen?
And it doesn't fucking help that every pokemon has leech seed or synthesis or recover or some fucking bullshit like that. I wasted 28 Great Balls on a level 27 frillish.
I DID manage to nab a uniquely typed Poison/Electric pokemon named Toxel. It looks like the baby from the old Dinosaurs sitcom. I have an affinity to poison types, hit if it looks this stupid when it evolves, it is out of my team.

And then everything in my team started evolving...
Stufful evolved into Bewear and can finally hold its own in battle.
Meowth evolved into Perrzerker and has gone from Sailor to Viking.
Sizzlipede evolved into Centiscorch and was able to defeat a pokemon 15 levels higher than it with its powerful fire moves.
Toxel evolved into Toxtricity...and it looks like an absolute creep, but I love her!! She has a unique typing and a brand new ability called "Punk Rock" which boosts the power of voice moves as well as lowering the damage of voice moves used against it.
I may have left Monsoke City in despair...but I entered Hammerlocke in triumph with a brand new team identity.
Pokédex: 48/88
Current Squad:
Current Squad:
Thwackey/Cheeto/lvl 30
Thievul/Señor Zorro/lvl 30
Drednaw/Snorkle/lvl 30
Linoone/Trash/lvl 31
Centiscorch/Sizzle/lvl 30
Bewear/Kitiguma/lvl 30Thievul/Señor Zorro/lvl 30
Drednaw/Snorkle/lvl 30
Linoone/Trash/lvl 31
Centiscorch/Sizzle/lvl 30
On Rotation: Toxtricity,Perrzerker
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