As a matter of fact, the last half of Victory Road was a lot of fun. One notable match that really sticks-out for me was my Mega Venusaur actually stall-killing a Level 65 Talonflame with Leech
Seed and Poisonpowder. Talonflame is a Fire/Flying type and this particular Talonflame had both Flare Blitz, the strongest fire attack in the game, and Brave Bird, the strongest flying attack in the game. You can see how this was exciting to me. Mega Venusaur is just plain unkillable. He cannot be defeated.
The road ended with a five-person gauntlet of strong veteran trainers with strong pokemon including skarmory and glaceon--but after this was over (and it was over not a moment too soon) I found myself at the base of the steps up to the Pokemon League. I had made it to the top.
Current Squad:
On Rotation: Pikachu, Scrafty, Hippowdon, Gardevoir
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