And here we are at the Elite Four, ready to take on the best in the world in final battle.
Not quite.
See, I haven't chosen my six-pokemon squad yet--something I should have done at the game's start. Guess I'm way behind on this one...
As I procrastinated at the doorstep of the Pokemon League, I found a trainer who offered a bit of helpful advice: that the elite four each specializes in a pokemon type and that I could fight them in whatever order I pleased: Fire, Water, Steel, and Dragon. Let's team build...
Okay, so let's start with the core pokemon: Froakles has Ice Beam and Scald, so he will be invaluable against a fire team and against a dragon team. And Venusaur is, as previously established, unkillable.
Let's add Pikachu for that Water gym and Gardevoir for the dragon team. The addition of Gardevoir will allow my team to maintain some general bulkiness since it takes Special Hits like a champ.
But I bet that water gym has a water/ground type or two kicking around--and water types are generally known for their bulk, so Pikachu is more of a weak link for this team. It won't be outrunning anyone at such a low level either...Let's put some more bulk of our own in that slot instead. And let's get Lucario in here--he just learned Close Combat.
And for the last is pretty fast and powerful and I know a lot of those dragons are actually also flying the rock moves will be doubly effective against that fire team...but it doesn't look like I have much to battle the steel team...and I know there's got to be a Metagross, there is always a Metagross...Oh god, what if there is a's decided then.
Elite Four Battle Squad: The Secret Six
We may be underleveled and we may be disconnected, but we have the tactical skills and we have the foresight to overcome any obstacles. Plus, I just bought 50 hyper potions, so there's always that...
Current Squad Status:
Sidelines: Pikachu, Aerodactyl, Scrafty, Dragalge
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